2019 Autumn Meeting and AGM

Meeting Date
Friday 01 November 2019
Junior Forum
For more details of the trainee focused event, follow the Junior Forum link.
The meeting was hosted at the Principal Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow.
The event’s programme is available for download as PDF below.
SRS Autumn 2019 Glasgow Programme
This year’s McGibbon Speaker was Dr Helen Mackie, National Clinical Advisor on Realistic Medicine for the Scottish Government, speaking about Personalising Realistic Medicine.
Artificial intelligence and its role in imaging was a main topic of discussion with Dr Navin Ramachandran joining us from London and the iCAIRD group speaking on developments in Scotland.
Our other main theme was emergency imaging with talks on abdominal, neuro and paediatric emergencies. We also had updates on diffusion imaging in the abdomen and in head-and-neck follow up.

Our trainee research competition, the Anne Hollman Award, was another success with presentations from across Scotland and across the training grades. The 2019 winner was Dr Oli Llewellyn from Edinburgh with his meta-analysis on giant uterine fibroids. We were lucky to have Dr Hollman’s family join us to present the medal on the 20th anniversary of the award.
Following the meeting, iCAIRD sponsored a drinks reception providing an informal opportunity to speak with medical and industry representatives, and to catch up with colleagues from across the country.
Attendance at this meeting was equivalent to 5 self-declared Royal College of Radiologists’ CPD points.
Meeting registration closed on Thursday 29 October. If you were a late registration, you can still get in touch with scotradofficial@gmail.com. Payments can be arranged via bank transfer:
- Acct No: 30061365
- Sort Code: 824404
- Reference: SRS19 followed by your first initial and last name (e.g. SRS19GHounsfield)
SRS members’ registration rates: consultant / retired member with CPD (£50), trainee (£25), retired no CPD (no charge).
Non members’ registration rates: consultant (£125), trainee (£60), FY (£25), student (no charge).
Dinner (Atlantic Brasserie, Thursday) – additional £30 for three courses.
Receipts will be returned following the close of the meeting. CPD certificates will follow upon completion of conference feedback (feedback link emailed to registration emails).
As ever, we are grateful for the ongoing support from a number of our sponsors. This is a great opportunity for us in Scotland to see their developments and latest products.

Dr David Cowell is arranging the meeting. Dr Derek Smith is arranging the Junior Forum (held the afternoon before).
If you have any questions about the event please email scotradofficial@gmail.com or contact us via Facebook or Twitter, where we will also be posting updates.