SRS Spring 2019
Our Spring Meeting for 2019 will be held in Perth, and is being arranged by Dr Gillian Duncan.

Meeting date
Friday 17 May 2019
McDiarmid Park, Crieff Road, Perth, PH1 2SJ
We are delighted to announce Prof Graeme Houston, Dundee, will present our annual Allan Reid interventional lecture.
As well as presentations from trainees who have received travel and research bursaries from the SRS in 2018/19, there will be talks on neuroimaging and the role of blood sensitive sequences by Dr Avinash Kanodia (Ninewells), and the role of the radiologist in the future of right colon cancer from Mr Ken Campbell (general surgeon, Ninewells).
One of the hottest topics in Scottish radiology, SRTP, will have a dedicated discussion session chaired by Dr Grant Baxter (Glasgow).
Our day will also include a nonclinical session on contract variations, presented by the BMA.

The day’s meeting will be equivalent to 5 self-declared CPD points on the RCR scheme.
Meeting registration and sign up for the pre-meeting dinner (The Bothy, Perth) are both through this form below. This is hosted on Google Forms which can be blocked on some NHS systems but is freely available on phone or personal computers. The same form is also available at this link.
Cost for the meeting is detailed by following the form below. Payments are via bank transfer: Acct No: 30061365, Sort Code: 824404 Reference: SRSS19 followed by your first initial and last name (e.g. SRSS19GHounsfield). Receipts will be issued to your registered email following the close of the meeting.